
NOTICE: You have accessed public content about the ICRC Physiotherapy Standards. Content reserved to the ICRC employees is available HERE.



The ICRC PT standards (PTS) are international standards adapted to the humanitarian context. They aim to achieve a threshold standard of quality, as the first step in improving physiotherapy outcomes for service users in ICRC-supported projects (Rau & Holey, 2018).

The multiyear project of PT standards development and implementation was initated in 2014.

This project would have been impossible without the participation of rehabilitation teams and physiotherapy users contributing in numerous ways to its success. The documents on this page are the collective work of many valuable hands and minds.


Please note:

All material is for download and use. Most documents have been kept in simple, plain word, excel or powerpoint format so it can be designed or reformatted as desired. Copyright, if not stated otherwise, remains with the ICRC.


Start by reading the following documents :